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Supreme Court declares America a presidential dictatorship

In what amounts to an American version of the 1933 Enabling Act that gave Hitler dictatorial powers, the Supreme Court announced that the US president must enjoy immunity from prosecution to be able to engage in “bold and unhesitating action.”

Eric London, Tom Carter

Workers Struggles: The Americas

A strike by WestJet mechanics ended after the union accepted a tentative deal while Argentine education workers walked out demanding action to address the wage crisis in academia and elsewhere.

This week in history: July 1-7

This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago

New COVID-19 surge driven by KP.2 and KP.3 variants

The emergence of the new viral variants and the consequent surge of COVID-19 that is currently underway has been enabled by a ruling class indifferent to the suffering caused by the virus.

Bill Shaw

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

South Korea: Hyundai Motor workers vote to strike over failed wage talks; India: Punjab Roadways bus drivers and conductors strike over unpaid wages; Thousands of Sri Lankan public sector workers continue strike action; Australia: Quantem bulk fuel supply strike for pay rise.

Why is the Socialist Equality Party standing against Andrew Feinstein?

Feinstein wants workers in Britain to repeat, under a rerun of Corbyn’s disastrous leadership of the Labour Party, the bitter experience of creating “broad left” formations such as Syriza in Greece that sabotaged the struggle against International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Union dictated austerity.

Thomas Scripps, Chris Marsden

Sri Lankan police brutally attack thousands of protesting teachers

Wednesday’s police assault makes clear that Sri Lankan workers need to prepare for a political general strike, based on a revolutionary socialist program, against the government’s International Monetary Fund austerity measures.

Our correspondents

Short-lived military coup fails against Arce in Bolivia

The abortive coup marks a new stage in the turmoil gripping Bolivia ahead of the 2025 elections, where the major drivers are the escalating third world war and deepening crisis of global capitalism.

Andrea Lobo

Ruto deploys Kenyan army onto the streets with US, European Union support

The US State Department hailed “President Ruto’s commitment to Kenyans’ constitutionally-endowed rights,” while European Union Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell hailed a “reduction of the tensions… conducive to dialogue.” This is a seal of approval for the massacre Ruto committed the day before.

Kipchumba Ochieng

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

In Italy, agricultural workers in Latina province walk out after workplace death, while metal workers strike in South Tyrol after explosion leaves one fatality, others injured; 20,000 oil contract workers in national walkout over pay and conditions in Iran join mass protests of retirees over falling living standards; health workers in Oyo State to hold seven-day warning strike July 1 over pay and collapsing healthcare system

Julian Assange arrives in Australia free

In a press conference, Stella Assange hailed a global support movement for creating the conditions for Assange's freedom, while warning of an ongoing assault on press freedom that had to be fought.

Oscar Grenfell

Oppose genocide and war! Demonstrate in Washington on July 24!

The purpose of the July 24 demonstration is to set into motion a new and powerful mass movement of the working class against the Gaza genocide and the global escalation of imperialist militarism by the US ruling class and its NATO collaborators.

David North

Unions shut down federal education strike in Brazil

The unions subordinated the strike to futile negotiations with the Lula government, isolating this powerful movement from the struggles of state teachers and other federal workers.

Guilherme Ferreira

Julian Assange is free, but the struggle to defend democratic rights continues

On Monday, Julian Assange walked out of the UK’s Belmarsh Prison a free man, following five years of imprisonment and nearly 15 years of persecution by a cabal of imperialist governments led by the United States which hounded him for exposing their crimes.

Statement of the World Socialist Web Site editorial board

High levels of toxic PFAS chemicals found in Australia’s drinking water

The so-called “forever chemicals” pose a considerable health threat, causing thyroid cancer and liver damage. High exposure can lead to decreased fertility, developmental delays in children, as well as increased risk of prostate, kidney and testicular cancer.

Frank Gaglioti

South Korean lithium battery fire kills 23 workers

In a country with a history of industrial disasters, the tragedy raises further questions about unsafe and exploitative conditions in the facilities feeding corporate global supply chains.

Mike Head
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