Build rank-and-file committees!

The World Socialist Web Site and the Socialist Equality Parties are assisting workers everywhere in the building of an interconnected network of rank-and-file committees, to organize a united counter-offensive against inequality, exploitation, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the rapidly escalating imperialist world war.

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Join a rank-and-file committee!

There are now rank-and-file committees of autoworkers, educators, Amazon and logistics workers, postal workers, bus drivers, and many other sections of the working class.

Rank-and-file committees are of, by and for the rank-and-file workers, who have a different set of interests than management, the bosses, the politicians, and the trade union apparatus, who oppress workers in order to defend the profits of the ruling elite.

Contact us now to join a committee. If there is not already a committee in your workplace, industry or region, we will help you start one!

Amazon delivery drivers strike in Illinois

Last week about 100 package delivery drivers at Amazon’s DIL7 Delivery Station in Skokie, IL went on strike demanding wage increases, a standard 40-hour work week, and to protest union busting efforts by the company.

Andy Thompson

Workers Struggles: The Americas

A strike by WestJet mechanics ended after the union accepted a tentative deal while Argentine education workers walked out demanding action to address the wage crisis in academia and elsewhere.

The pandemic must be ended!